8th Annual Impact of Technology on Debt Capital Markets
Event Radar’s 8th Annual Impact of Technology on Debt Capital Markets
Date: Thursday 5th December 2024
Registration: 13:30 Light lunch and refreshments
Panel Discussion Starts: 14:15
Post-Event Drinks: 16:00 – 17:00
Venue: One Moorgate Place, London EC2R 6EA
This pioneering event hits its 8th anniversary this year. Each year, our expert panels track the progress made in automating and digitalising primary bond issuance. Insightful content delivered by those who know: the market leaders in fintech, banking, investment, issuing and other segments of the bond issuance process.
13: 30: Registration
Light lunch and refreshments
14:15: Presentation
“Digital Bonds and wCBDC – a status update”.
Stefan Bosshard, SIX Digital Exchange
14:30: Panel discussion
- Has the pace of developments around primary bond digitalisation and automation moved in lockstep with primary bond issuance?
- What’s holding back quicker adoption of automated and digitalised solutions?
- What have the key accomplishments been YTD?
- Understanding investor and issuer requirements.
- Is the regulatory framework keeping up?
- Update on CBDCs and impact on bond digitalisation.
- Fragmentation and interoperability. Still on the radar?
- Understanding the place of ICMA’s Bond Data Taxonomy.
- How does AI change the nature of the game?
16:00-17:00: Networking Drinks
Agenda avaliable to download
For assistance: [email protected]
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